Welcome to Kedumim
The vanguard of jewish resettlement in samaria
Dear friends,
The community of Kedumim sends you our heartfelt thanks not only for your support and assistance but for your friendship. We do not take this for granted. Each donation, regardless of size, helps strengthen us and enables us to develop and advance important projects.
I extend a warm invitation to you to come and visit Kedumim. Come and see for yourself how we are growing and flourishing – in population, with new neighborhoods, schools that challenge our students, playgrounds for them to enjoy, a play center, a community center and, the warm, welcoming community we have created in 44 years!
May the Almighty may bless all of us with grace and mercy. May Eretz Israel, Am Israel, and the State of Israel increase in strength and enjoy good, quiet and secure times. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life with Blessings and Peace, and in the Book of Good Health and Prosperity.
zel Vatik, Mayor
And the Entire Kedumim Community
Contact us
Raphaella Segal, Assistant MayorAmerican Friends of Kedumim
Tel: 972-9-792-1350 (home)
Cell: 972-52-811-9057(Israel)
– 908-5917-318 (in the US)
e-mail: [email protected]
resume – click here
Ozel Vatik, Mayor
Mayor's Office
Kedumim D.N. Shomron 44856
Tel: 972-9-7778001
Fax: 972-9-792-2749
e-mail: [email protected]